The California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) was created in 1988, under California’s Joint Exercise of Powers Act, to provide California’s local governments with an effective tool for the timely financing of community-based public benefit projects.
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By publicly posting the following written disclosure, CSCDA intends that market participants receive and use it for purposes of the independent registered municipal advisor exemption to the SEC Municipal Advisor Rule. CSCDA has retained an independent registered municipal advisor. CSCDA is represented by and will rely on its municipal advisor Bridge Strategic Partners LLC to provide advice on proposals from financial services firms concerning the issuance of municipal securities and municipal financial products. This certificate may be relied upon until December 31, 2022. Proposals may be addressed to CSCDA care of any of the Program Staff listed on CSCDA’s Contact Us webpage.
This program offers tax-exempt lease financing to public agencies for capital projects, and equipment without the traditional expense or complexity of other finance mechanisms.
CSCDA offers a pooled securitization program for local agencies, assisting them in bonding against future payments, allowing them to fund and complete projects today. Borrowers will benefit from reduced issuance costs and better interest rates. The program does not require a pledge of the local agency’s General Fund.
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This program offers companies seeking cost-effective, tax-exempt capital to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation, construction of, or the acquisition of new equipment for solid waste and exempt facilities.
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Eligible manufacturers can access cost-effective, tax-exempt bond proceeds to acquire, construct or rehabilitate manufacturing facilities that promote job creation and retention. Bond proceeds may also be used for the acquisition of new equipment.
CSCDA's OPEN PACE program is a turnkey resource for property owners to finance clean energy projects. PACE is a financing tool that allows residential and commercial property owners to secure upfront funding for energy and water-saving improvements, which they repay through a voluntary contractual assessment lien on their property tax bill. Please 阴阳师脚本辅助有哪些 刷脚本会封号吗_18183阴阳师手游专区:2021-11-4 · 阴阳师辅助工具有哪些 加速器辅助说明 阴阳师初始号怎么刷 不想购买ssr初始号 伡上就是18183为大家带来的阴阳师攻略!更多阴阳师消息请继续关注 18183。 about the program.
SCIP allows participating local agencies to receive impact fees prior to development, while property owners repay the tax-exempt obligation over a thirty year bond term. SCIP may eliminate the need for local agencies to negotiate deferral fee agreements.
The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 permits CSCDA to establish a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District (a “CFD”) which allows for financing of public improvements and services. The services and improvements that Mello-Roos CFDs can finance include streets, sewer systems and other basic infrastructure, police protection, fire protection, ambulance services, schools, parks, libraries, museums and other cultural facilities.